Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Question Of The Day: 14th October, 2009

The easiest question of the season. Tell me what does the heat map of the world produced below depict? The break up is a hint.

Difficulty Level - Very Easy

Please leave your answers as comments. They are moderated and will be published along with the correct answer. 

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And the correct answer is:

It is the heat map of all Nobel winners till date.

The break up was of Males, Females and organisations

Special thanks to Amit Agarwal (better know as Labnol) who allowed us to use the pictures from his blog.


quetzalcoatl said...

imapct of the financial crisis?

Sasidhar said...

Definitely one of the easiest here :)

The Nobel Prize.

Ankan Mitra said...

The country-wise density mapof Nobel laureates

Sajith Menon said...

Billionaires list

vivita said...

Nobel Laureates received.

Anonymous said...

The World Vs The US

Ayyappa said...

Day Light saving

The One and Only said...

The Nobels

Alekhya H said...

Swine flu. Believe me, despite your hints that were outrageously helpful :) I checked in believing its the pandemic !

Uma Aiyer said...

Heat produced on account of emission from cars, air conditioners, refrigerators etc