Hello Quizzer,
Thanks for your interest to be a part of Inquizzitive.
Thanks for your interest to be a part of Inquizzitive.
As you would have read in the brief introduction, this is a Quiz blog where one question is mostly uploaded every weekday (usually of a 'connect' nature) and topics vary from politics, sports, movies, language, space to anything and everything. Presently there is no scoring system, but you can leave your answers as comments. These are moderated and published along with the answer when the next question is put up.
First, you maybe interested in our Quizzer's Corner section where we have a database of many Indian Quizzers - their Blogs, email IDs and Orkut/Facebook/Twitter links. You can add yourself to the list by emailing your details (mentioned above) to suhel dot banerjee at gmail dot com
If you would want to be notified of whenever a question is updated, you have quite a few options and they are as follows:
If you would want to be notified of whenever a question is updated, you have quite a few options and they are as follows:
1) Become a 'Follower' of Inquizzitive
You should see a similar box on the blog. Click on the Sign In button and login with your Google, Yahoo!, AIM or OpenID account. You will become a fan and should get notifications whenever the blog is updated with a new question. Besides that, we will feel good if you become a part of our 'Friend Connect' initiative:)
2) Follow me on Twitter
You can also be updated about new questions by following me on Twitter. You can do so by clicking on the 'Follow Me On Twitter' badge on the blog, going to my Twitter Page and then following me. Or by just going to @suhel and following me.
Note: Since it is also my personal Twitter ID there are non Inquizzitive tweets as well, so wanted to let you know:)
3) Subscribe To Inquizzitive's Feeds
This is the most recommended option if you use a feed reader like Google Reader or FeedBurner. You will get the feeds delievered to your Reader as soon as the blog is updated with a new question. Again, you should find these two buttons on the Blog and by just clicking them you can choose your feed reader and subscriber. Our feeds are available at: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Inquizzitive
There are many active quizzing groups in Yahoo! & Google, and you may want to join any of the following. You will get an email whenever a new Question Of The Day (QOTD) is updated. Besides this you can also get a lot of well researched questions and other series. Presently Inquizzitive partners with the following Groups:
IMPORTANT: We run Inquizzitive Special Questions which are provided by you every once in a while. You can send me your questions and if selected they will appear on the blog with due mention (this is an example of an audience provided question)
Please feel free to reach out to me at suhel dot banerjee at gmail dot com with any suggestions/feedback.
Thank you and looking forward to hear from you!
Quizzically Yours,
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