Difficulty Level - Easy
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And the correct answer is:
The black box of the ill fated Air India Dubai-Mangalore flight
The black box of the ill fated Air India Dubai-Mangalore flight
Black Box of Air India's DXB-MNG flight.
Mangalore crash - black box.
Black box of Boeing 737-800 that crashed in Mangalore.
Why such a question suhel...anyone looking on any news website will reply back.
is it the black box of the flight that crashed in mangalore??
Digital Flight Data Recorder or "Black Box" for the IX-812 flight that crashed in Mangalore
digital flight data recorder of the mangalore flight ?
just now saw the pic in TOI...mangalore crash blak box found.
Ans: the BLACK BOX.
black box
The black box of the ill-fated Air India flight which crashed in Mangalore
Blackbox of the plane that crashed in Mangalore
Mangalore Air India crash flight black box
really suhel?!
this doesnt even fall in the category of "very easy"!!!
black box of the ill-fated mangalore bound IA flight.
black box of the mangalore plane crash
Black Box from the wreckage?
Black Box
Mangalore air crash: Black Box retrieved
The black box of the AI plane which sadly crashed in my town.
Black box
The black box of the Mangalore crashed flight.
Harshal Modi
Whadyaknow.. it's a data recorder. AI's data recorder
This might be cheating, since i saw this image on the front page of TOI Bangalore today :), but its the Black Box from the IX flight which crashed in Mangalore
black box of the crashed plane
black box(flight data recorder)
black box(flight data recorder)
Black box
blackbox of the ill-fated Dubai-Mangalore AI flight that crashed
The black box of the mangalore air disaster
it's the missing blackbox from mangalore plane
black box of the plane that crashed recently..
??? id posted a couple of days ago saying this is the black box!!
an IED bomb(Land mine)
The black box of the plane that crashed at Mangalore.
@Suhel: Hey, can you please add my blog
to your blogroll,
I have already added yours! :D
IED (or Land Mine)
The black box in an aircraft.
this is the black box of the plane which crashed in mangalore.. rishabh
black box
black box
The Black Box found in the tragic Mangalore air crash
The black box of the plane that crashed in Mangalore
black box...
Black Box
--Aviral Shrivastava
The black box of the flight which crashed.
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