Difficulty Level - Very Easy
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And the correct answer is:
Only four players to have scored 3 goals in the finals of FIFA World Cups.
Only four players to have scored 3 goals in the finals of FIFA World Cups.
Pictures in clockwise order (from top left):
Vava (1958 - 2, 1962 - 1)
Pele (1958 - 2, 1970 - 1)
Geoff Hurst (1966 - 3)
Zinedine Zidane (1998 - 2, 2006 - 1)
Most goals scored in all WC Final matches.
Only thing I can think of is that all have scored in World Cup finals (in the sense the final of the World Cup)
By scoring a 7th minute penalty in the final, Zidane became only the fourth player in World Cup history to score in two different finals, along with Pelé, Paul Breitner, and Vavá, in addition to being tied for first place with Vavá, Pelé and Geoff Hurst with three World Cup final goals apiece
Vava, Pele, Zizou and Hurst
Men with three FIFA world cup finals goals.
Scored two or more goals in a WC final and therefore winning the Man of the Final trophy
Zidane, Pele, Hurst etc
Struck thrice in final matches: Vava, Pele, Hurst, Zidane.
all of them scored in the finals of world cup
Players with the most goals in WC finals - 3
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