Thanks for the warm & encouraging welcome to Inquizzitive once again!
Today's question is a little different from the usual format. You need to explain which object of daily use was the keyword whose search trend is shown in the graph. The picture in the right hand bottom corner should serve as a hint. If you are unacquainted with Google Trends, then you may want to refer to this post from 2006.
I have selected 'All Regions' as the geographic setting to generate this chart, which means search data from all countries of the world.
And the correct answer is:
The spike in searches was because of the famous shoe-throwing at George Bush incident in Iraq in December 2008. And the picture below is that of Muntezar Al Zaidi, the shoe thrower after he was released last week.
Shoe, I guess. That's the shoe-happy Zaidi in the pic who was released recently.
- Rahul
The item being searched is the Shoe.
The pic shows the guy who threw his size 11 shoe at George Bush in Iraq,which led to the spurt in search queries.
The object of daily use is 'Shoes' which was thrown at former US President George Bush by an Iraqi journalist.
One of the better events of last year. Muntadar al-Zaidi iraqi journalist threw his Shoe. Google trend for 'Shoe'. Btw what made you think of this? Planning a vacation over the long weekend on a 'shoe string' budget? (ab tho manager ho -all this is bhoka kaam. Ki bol)
The object is a "shoe", part of a string searched in dec '08, when the Iraqi journalist Zaidi threw his shoes at Bush.
baydan shoes . the ones thrown at g.w. bush.
The historic shoe :)
Shoe. Thrown at Bush.
Shoe..or rather the hurled one :)
Shoe. The pic is of Muntathar-al-zeidi after he was released from custody
The one that almost hit Mr. Bush
I guess it's Shoe. The hint picture is that of the guy who threw a shoe at President George Bush (after his release).
I had the answer from the hint, before actually confirming with google trends to get exactly the same graph :)
Dude in the picture is the Iraqi journalist who threw a shoe at Bush, getting released from custody.
Yeh kya hai ?
Kaun sa ?
Number ?
(How to get actual timestamp of sms response when posting comment on blog next day? Even the answer to my previous question does not seem like the first by a Googler.)
Swine Flu Vaccines
when the iraqi journalist(shown in pic) hurled it at Bush.
Muntazer al-Zaidi, the man who threw shoe at Bush
Muntadhar al-Zaidi - the shoe thrower ??
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