Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Question Of The Day: 11th November, 2009

Connect and feel good if you get it. 
Difficulty Level - Very Tough

Please leave your answers as comments. They are moderated and will be published along with the correct answer. 

Be a part of Inquizzitive!

And the correct answer is:

Roman Polanski

Pictures in clockwise order (from top left):

Samantha Geimer, in 1970s and 2005 (the girl he is accused of having raped)

Sharon Tate (his wife, who was murdered)

Poster from the movie, The Pianist, which he directed.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Question Of The Day: 9th November, 2009

Not an exhaustive list, and has nothing to do with stamps. What is common to three gentlemen?

Difficulty Level - Very Easy

Please leave your answers as comments. They are moderated and will be published along with the correct answer. 

Be a part of Inquizzitive!

And the correct answer is:

All of them have been deputy Prime Ministers of India
Pictures in clockwise order (from top left):

Charan Singh

Devi Lal

Sardar Valbbhai Patel